Wednesday, 5 September 2007

The Basics Of Landscaping

Author: Stephen Campbell

Landscaping can be quite challenging, especially if this is your first time being a homeowner or having landscaping duties. However, there are several things that you can do to make your journey into landscaping a successful one.
First of all, keep it simple. If this is your first attempt at landscaping, don't try to do too many things at once. Keep a simple line of bricks to separate your home from your yard, for instance. This is one of the easiest things to do to brighten up the look of your home. You first want to choose a brick style and buy the bricks. Then, make a straight line around your home. Make sure that you keep the line the same amount of space away from the foundation of your home. Lay down the bricks along that line. Dig them into the ground an inch or so with a trowel, so that the bricks will lie down easily. Next, you can fill the space between the line of bricks and the foundation of your home with chips or stones. If you lay down heavy plastic before you use the chips or stones, you will not have to deal with weeds and other things growing in your landscaping area.
Once you have your home outlined, you can continue with several simple things. You can put plants or potters inside the stone, making sure to space them evenly so that they look nice against your home. You can also use the same style of bricks to outline your sidewalk or driveway, which will tie in all of your landscaping.
After you have mastered this, you can move to creating other things, such as corner flowerbeds, fountains, and fishponds. Always remember that when you are landscaping, you should use the same materials and color scheme for all of your projects. This will make sure that you are doing things in your yard that all match and go together. Always remember that if you are in doubt, the simplest is always going to be the best, especially for beginners. Also remember that in order to have a nice looking yard, it is important to make your property clean and neat. Remove debris and garbage, and keep your yard and flowerbeds trimmed. This is the basis of good landscaping, no matter what level landscaper you are. It is always important to be neat, clean, and simple when it comes to landscaping.

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