Monday 3 September 2007

5 Rose Garden Ideas

If you are like me and have been scared away from growing roses because you believed they were hard to grow, it’s time to put away your incorrect conception. Roses are amazingly easy to grow and care for. They are far from being the picky, pest-infested plants that they are believed out to be.

Roses have 5 fundamental requirements:

1. They need plenty of sun. With very few exclusions, roses enjoy the sun. Select a spot for roses that has at least 6 hours of sun per day, and they will pay you back with fine-looking, flashy blooms.

2. Water is a must. Roses are thirsty plants. Prepare to give your rose garden a good everyday soaking to add-on to the rain.

3. Pests need to be controlled. Roses are inclined to draw in pestering bugs like aphids and Japanese beetles. There are all kinds of organic treatments if you are opposed to spraying with a pesticide planned for roses.

4. Roses like to eat, so feed. The results will be more, complete and more colorful flowers if you nourish your roses every month with a well balanced fertilizer.

5. Pluck your roses. For sure, roses need to be pruned and groomed. The more that can be put on table for display. The more you pluck your roses, the more you will get.

What do you think, have you got a spot in your yard that gets at least six hours of sun a day, is close enough to the garden hose that watering is easy, willing to keep the pest away and is easily accessible by paths and walkways? If so, you have a great location for a rose garden.

Several ideas for rose gardens you might consider are:

  • Rose Garden Fence - rambling and climbing roses are determined climbers. Try blanketing a chain link fence with a rose plant every 2 to 3 feet. Begin with bare-stemmed root stock, and coach new growth on the chain links and support frames. Inside 3 to 4 years, you will have a good wall of flowering roses.
  • Corner Rose Garden - Use a bare, sunny corner in your yard. It can be the perfect location for a climbing rose garden. Begin with several large boulders or rocks, plant 3 to 5 ground-cover or rambling roses.In a few years, you will find you are spending more time controlling them than trying to make them grow.
  • Centerpiece Rose Garden for Your Front Entrance - Plant a rose bush at the base of the driveway light, and coach a few stalks to grow up on the lamp post. Everyone will say Wow! Roses will twine up the pole, and over the top of the light and fall around the ground at its base.
  • Patio Rose Garden - Miniature hybrids and tea roses are extremely cheerful flourishing in terracotta pots and other containers. Use a sunny patio, try filling up a large strawberry jar with few tea rose bushes, and plant the spaces with plants like alyssum and lobelia.
  • Mixed-Up Rose Garden - Garlic and onion plants make great companion and protector plants to roses. The long, peaky leaves of onion, garlic and chive sets disguise leggy rose stalks. Include a skirt of low-growing ground cover, and permit the roses to give shade for impatiens and shrinking violets. Garlic and onions are known for keeping away many rose pests.

    Author: Jim's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. You can learn more of roses and organic fertilizers by visiting: Roses

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